Get past enchiladas and into the heart of Mexico with the regional specialties offered at this longtime Melrose favorite.

- Valet parking
- Dress code: Casual
- Entertainment: Entertainment
- Full bar
- Outdoor dining
- Private room(s)
- Reservations required
Antonio's Restaurant Review:
Since 1970, Antonio's has been one of L.A.'s most popular Mexican eateries, in part because of its warm hospitality and colorful surroundings. Though the menu offers the requisite enchiladas, tacos and all-day huevos rancheros, diners should focus on specialties from Mexico's diverse regions. Featured dishes from Mexico City include Wednesday-only chicken in almond sauce, as well as Friday-only beef-stuffed peppers with apples, bananas and coriander. Explore the cuisine of Monterrey with chicken simmered in a rich chocolate mole sauce or cubed leg of pork in a green sauce. Traditional flan is a standout for dessert and the restaurant prides itself on producing its own namesake tequila, which can be enjoyed on its own or in specialty tropical margaritas.