Dogma Grill
A retro hot dog joint with outdoor seating offering franks, brats and sausages plus burgers and a few regional American sandwiches.

- Dress code: Casual
- Kid-friendly
- Outdoor dining

Dogma Grill Restaurant Review:
Dogma Grill was among the first places to open on the Upper East Side, attracting strollers from nearby neighborhoods and businesses alike. After several changes in ownership it is on the up and up, still with outdoor seating only under shade umbrellas. There are all-beef franks, turkey hot dogs, bratwurst, smoked Polish sausage and Italian sausage with a choice of toppings. Specialty dogs include the Coney Island; Chicago with sport peppers and celery salt; and Colombian with mayo-ketchup sauce, mozzarella, bacon, pineapple, and crushed potato chips. Sandwiches range from the New Orleans roast beef po’ boy to a version with Baltimore deep-fried crab cakes.