Baked and Wired Baked & Wired

Baked & Wired Menu

1052 Thomas Jefferson St. NW (M St. NW)
Washington, DC 20007
Cuisine: Bakery
One of the city's finest bakeries, with offerings from brownies to granola.
Openings: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner daily

Baked & Wired Restaurant Review:

This funky bakery often has a lineup at the coffee counter packed with students, office workers, and an occasional mom with toddler in tow. Once fixed with their cup of Joe, customers can select one of the few seats in the rear of the store, or in good weather perch out front. Among what draws someone to the place should be its over-the-top baked goodies, from dense brownies, donut muffins covered in sugar, and pies and granola. Also tempting are the “cakecups,” an obvious play on the cupcake concept with mini cakes topped with frosting and décor. An online store sells specialty granola, trail mix, and funky doggy bones.

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By Sophie Gayot: "It is with the greatest sadness and sorrow that the first article I write in 2025 is about a disaster. It has affected so many in different ways, including losing everything, and loss of life. I can not apprehend." Read the article.