The most posh food court restaurant this side of Milan.

Armani/Ristorante Restaurant Review:
A fashion designer opening a restaurant? It’s not unheard of. After all, Armani’s café in Milan and the Dolce & Gabbana restaurant, Gold, have been successful. Now comes Armani/Ristorante in New York. As you’d expect, this Italian eatery is a high-priced affair, housed above the couture on the third floor of Armani/5th Avenue, making it one of the most tony food courts in the country. Lorenzo Viani, who hails from Tuscany, created a menu of typical but somehow precious (mostly central Italian) dishes that are more minimalist in saucing and dressing than at most Italian restaurants on these shores. The tagliatelle with tomato sauce and basil manages to be both simple and bold tasting at the same time, but the cuttlefish risotto is more complex and layered on the palate. The huge Florentine T-bone steak might settle a shopper’s hunger. The wine list is pricey, but there are a few affordable selections.