Onegin Menu
A Pushkin-themed Russian restaurant for the West Village.
Onegin Restaurant Review:
An ornately decorated, chandelier-crammed Pushkin-themed restaurant in the West Village? Sort of. Named for a novel by the Russian writer, Onegin is certainly Russian to the core. There are no dancing bears in site, but the menu is all mother Russia all the time --- from caviar to pelmeni to blinis. Order wisely, because not everything on the menu works. Salo, a block of pig fat popular in Ukraine and Belarus and not something one finds at many restaurants in New York, is certain to be a hit with any pork-lover. Seared foie gras, paired predictably with a berry reduction, is standard but well executed. The Pozharsky cutlet --- a seared chicken patty --- doesn’t sound wildly appealing, but is one of the best dishes on the menu: the meat is soft and tender, almost with a consistency of a flaky white fish. The pricey wine list spans the globe and there’s a long compendium of infused vodkas to complement your meal.