Restaurant De Bacon Restaurant Bacon Serge Philippin Restaurant de Bacon

Restaurant de Bacon

Bd de Bacon
06160 Cap d'Antibes
+33 (0)4 93 61 50 02
Cuisine: French / Seafood
Enjoy the view of the ramparts of old Antibes and the baie des Anges.
Openings: Closed Mon., Tues. lunch, Nov.-Feb. Open until 10:00pm


Restaurant de Bacon Restaurant Review:

Since the Sordello brothers shell out top dollar (or euro...whatever) for their locally caught seafood, patrons, too, pay a pretty penny (centime?) for the ultrafresh sea bass, sea bream, and other Mediterranean fish offered here. These prize specimens will be brought to your table for inspection, then prepared as you wish: grilled, steamed, baked in parchment paper, etc. We're fond of the tiny red mullet cooked whole and ungutted, and of the justly celebrated bouillabaisse. To drink, why not uncork a cool bottle of white Cassis or Bandol wine?

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