Restaurante Martin Berasategui Restaurante Martín Berasategui Restaurante Martin Berasategui

Restaurante Martin Berasategui

Calle Loidi 4
Lasarte Oria, spain 20160
34 943 366 471 94
This restaurant in the North of Spain draws on local Basque tradition in its contemporary dishes.
Openings: Lunch Wed.-Sun., Dinner Wed.-Sat.


Restaurante Martin Berasategui, Lasarte Oria, spain

Restaurante Martin Berasategui Restaurant Review:

You'll find the tasting menu is quite extensive because the dishes here are very small. Chef Martín Berasategui cooks up fare like roasted araiz's pigeon, fresh pasta with mushrooms and spring onions, a dish, which, like the others that follow, only takes a few bites to finish.

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